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Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / Re: Dire Straits albums removed from streaming
« Last post by Dutchessy on July 26, 2024, 11:50:57 PM »
Tunnel of Love 92 missing from Spotify. And the bug.

Its back :)
Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / Re: Dire Straits albums removed from streaming
« Last post by herlock on July 26, 2024, 11:45:15 PM »
Thank God they are not missing on YouTube Music... I listen to this TOL 92 all the time. It is quite fantastic!
Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / Re: Ed Bicknell Interview
« Last post by Robson on July 26, 2024, 09:06:41 PM »
"On the question of civility in posting, I guess a good rule of thumb is asking yourself if you would say what you are about to post to someone's face if you met them in person...

Very good comment. It's always worth thinking about it.
The new live are back on spotify but extra songs like TOL 92, bug, industrial, PB, twisting are missing still! Very weird and annoying! ???
Tunnel of Love 92 missing from Spotify. And the bug.
Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / Re: Ed Bicknell Interview
« Last post by dustyvalentino on July 26, 2024, 05:11:20 PM »
Well, all's well that ends well then. :)

For the avoidance of doubt, I wasn't attempting to usurp Jbaent as Ed's point of contact, merely offering a straightforward way to get any posts deleted for anyone who is not a member, members just report the post as per usual. :)

Carry on!

On the question of civility in posting, I guess a good rule of thumb is asking yourself if you would say what you are about to post to someone's face if you met them in person...
Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / Re: Ed Bicknell Interview
« Last post by jbaent on July 26, 2024, 05:00:17 PM »
New message by Ed:

Hi there Julio,
Thank you for putting that up.

Look…..maybe I overreacted but it’s annoying and very HURTFUL to see old and long settled issues being rehashed years later as if they are FACT.
It was tedious enough when David and his then wife made their allegations years ago and eventually that was sorted out as I described ( I’ve no idea how David feels about it now or back then.)
The relationship between Mark and David is what it is but to ascribe that to the incident we are talking about is wrong and in part I was , maybe clumsily , trying to correct that notion.
Anyway, you have done the correct and honourable thing and as I told you yesterday your apology is accepted.
There is no need for you to leave the forum, certainly not on my account, your contributions rank among the more sensible so hang in there, stop beating yourself up, have a sausage and a glass of sangria. 
Anyway it’s not as if I’m going to be corresponding regularly so I’m perfectly happy to maintain our contact, I don't need anyone else ( thanks for volunteering Dusty Particles ).

One other thing which relates to the comments today on your/my post.
As I have said being a fan is an adventure.
I completely understand why people seek information and when I first contacted you it was to provide some fact checking which seems to have been welcomed. I know that was Chris Whitten’s motivation as well.

I think the real issue here is when the dialogue between you crosses over into what is perilously close to character assassination ( Chris W ) OR seeks to delve into personal aspects of people’s PRIVATE lives ( Mark’s girlfriends, ex wives ) when that information is NOT already in the public domain as , for instance , the Holly Vincent episode is. 

Chris did not ask me to intercede.
As Pottel says he’s a big boy ( you have no idea quite how big ) and can and did defend himself.
I just thought the comment about his playing on Sultans was way beyond acceptable, especially since the way he played it was how Mark wanted him to.
I have shared his experience ( in the NHB’s ) and can entirely relate, I still wake up in a cold sweat thinking about blackboards with NO ticks on them and wondering if anybody has eaten the sausages they are saving for me in the NOMIS canteen and does the mustard dispenser need refilling again?

All I’m saying is when you are commenting or criticising, and there’s nothing wrong with that, just remember that there’s a difference between being civil and plain rude.
None of you want to be rude do you?
You can be passionate without being abusive.

Pottel, I completely “get “ that this is a FORUM and why it exists and I totally support the notion of a free exchange of thoughts, opinions and ideas, certainly criticisms, but repeating false allegations which imply that Mark and I deliberately sought to disadvantage David financially is way way out of order ( that becomes part of the illegal stuff you mention. )
But that’s settled as far as I'm concerned , let’s move on.

Wayaman. I’ve no interest in being a “policeman” ( pretty funny but do you really think that I spend my time trawling thru AMIT looking for “crimes” ? ) 
You don't have to “stick” to anything and both Chris and I have been trying to help all of you with the “real truth” as you call it.
Surely you understand that the real truth in this case was not as Jabent had repeated and which I was bound to correct since it was way more serious than the usual banter between you and included Mark to whom your site is dedicated as well as me.
Your forum is PUBLIC.
I value my reputation such as it is and I will defend myself when and if I feel that’s necessary.
For what it’s worth that was the first and only time I’ve ever had to do that which might be why it rankles so much.

The drummer thing I’ll freely admit is just something I feel strongly about because it’s personal to me and as a player I know that ALL of the drummer’s Mark has worked with are talented craftsmen who spent years honing that craft.
He can be almost draconian sometimes in getting the results which is the music you love, why you're on this site in the first place.
If you're going to be a bandleader there is a responsibility that comes with that and in his case and many others ( Miles Davis, Springsteen come to mind) the results are there for all to hear.

One last thing.
There is SO much I’d like to tell you ( I know “write a book, write a book” ) but in my ( now former, thank God) profession there’s an unspoken line ….and I don't know where it is…concerning what I’ll call the CONTEXT of how what you hear/consume, arises.

In many many of the threads I read , mostly the General Discussion but a few others, I see discussions, questions, theories, speculation …..what Pottel refers to as "wanting to know more about all that comes with it “  where I have had to literally bite my lip because the answers cross that invisible line between the personal and the professional.

It’s what’s stopped me publishing a book ( and presumably others because I can’t think of ANY manager who’s done a book from the “inside” ) because it is IMPOSSIBLE to remove the creative bit from the personal bit and make no mistake, the creative would not exist if it were not for the personal , that’s obvious.

So what happens is that the personal bits come out like a dripping tap and you seize on those and they get  spun out of all recognition ..what wayaman refers to as “whatever we read as facts” which are NOT the facts and were I to give you the the context you would be stunned at best and disbelieving at worst and what would that achieve? 

Anyway. Let's get past this and Jabent , pop out to the local patisserie and get yourself some Lamb Merguez sausages and pretend your Peter McKay secretly gorging yourself on a sausage intended for your hero in some cold Canadian arena , not realising that you are committing the SIN OF SINS and putting your very livelihood at risk.

Take care all , these are precarious times.
Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / Re: Ed Bicknell Interview
« Last post by Pottel on July 26, 2024, 04:46:18 PM »
Ed is right and makes me feel ashamed of being part of this group. The mentioned "Mantra of free speech" should be renamed or added by "Mantra of the responsibility of free speech." Free speech seems to mean "I can say whatever I want as I am allowed to because we are all in for free speech here". Also the forum rules should be added about the fact checking point that Ed mentioned. Write the way you could take responsibility for it in case you had to defend yourself in court.

all very nice, and you and i, and most of us on here DO. but you are not realistic if you expect all to keep to that mantra. just not the way people are when they are online, mostly anonymous.
That were the songs they released, before they released the box. I think the complete live box will be added soon. Also missing are the 2 Live Aid songs it seems...

Ah, right. Now I remember ;D
Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / Re: Dire Straits albums removed from streaming
« Last post by Rolo on July 26, 2024, 04:43:27 PM »
It's well knowing that MK never really like his old band. So, he is planning to buried it for good.

If you look closely, the recent boxsets are self-destructive.
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