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Author Topic: Bob Dylan & Mark Knopfler Tour 2011  (Read 221523 times)


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Re: Bob Dylan & Mark Knopfler Tour 2011
« Reply #585 on: December 16, 2011, 03:35:01 PM »
that's true, I've checked, he said that Lady gaga's support slot was already filled that's why they opened for Bob Dylan.

Which prompted somebody else to say " I don't think we should be talking about Lady gaga's slot, and who should fill it on this forum!

The only people I can think of who might fill Lady GaGa's slot are Stevie Wonder and Roy Orbison.


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  • David Knopfler
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Re: Bob Dylan & Mark Knopfler Tour 2011
« Reply #586 on: December 16, 2011, 04:44:54 PM »

I totally agree with your post. Bob Dylan is an icon, he is much more than just a star, BUT then again: It was HIM who invited MK & band, not vice versa, and after the first shows it was obvious that it was running well, sold out, good fun, on stage and off stage etc, and therefore a little acknowledgment for Mark AND his band, impersonated by Guy, would have been human. twm listed some reasons, and the idea of bad eyesight was new to me, but quite interesting! :o In fact it would explain a lot of things, just think of the Forever Young clip and the question if Bob was seeing Mark's gesture or not!  I wonder if MK spills the beans about his regular meetings with Bob when he is in the studio with the band, or if he keeps it secret, because he was the chosen one...  ;)

[/quote] good, interesting question that last one, did mark spill the beans to his band afterwards?
any Knopfler, Floyd or Dylan will do....


  • Romeo
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Re: Bob Dylan & Mark Knopfler Tour 2011
« Reply #587 on: December 17, 2011, 06:01:52 PM »
It would have been difficult for Mark not to have made some comment to his band about Dylan. As for spilling the beans, what beans would there be to spill?

Do you mean things like: what did Dylan say? what did he look like? who else was there?  what was he like? what did you work together on? how long were you with him? what else was said? what did he say about us? and so on and so on? Not the most interesting set of questions to answer, really. Or do you think the band asked him for gossip about Dylan? Surely not.

Mark and Bob had met before and worked together before. I understand that Mark's then management found Dylan a little weird to deal with but, then, Dylan doesn't really operate by anybody else's rules. I know that Mark was disappointed by the way the INFIDELS album turned out and there are some amongst Dylan fans who, based on the out-takes and alternate takes of the songs from the album sessions, would agree, hearing INFIDELS as one of the great lost albums.


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Re: Bob Dylan & Mark Knopfler Tour 2011
« Reply #588 on: December 17, 2011, 07:05:56 PM »
No I just meant, did he tell ANYTHING?
any Knopfler, Floyd or Dylan will do....


  • Romeo
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Re: Bob Dylan & Mark Knopfler Tour 2011
« Reply #589 on: December 17, 2011, 09:45:36 PM »
Yes, I'd suggest. He could hardly say nothing at all.  How much he said, only he and the band know. The band seem to be reasonably approachable, so perhaps we should ask them the next time paths cross.

Love Expresso

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Re: Bob Dylan & Mark Knopfler Tour 2011
« Reply #590 on: December 17, 2011, 10:02:46 PM »
One hour until show time, in Hannover, Germany:

".....kids alright...?"

"...Hmmm Hmmm..."

"...my twins are into music, too..."

"...yeah, a son of mine is also..."

"...Is he any good...?"

"...no idea, never heard anything from him -
"...how's Lourdes?"

"...Don't know. My wife is named Kitty now..."

"..Ah, I see, blimey how time flies...."

"...Yeah, Bob, hmmm, hmmm...."

sip coffee, both.



"Did we meet once in a Hotel in Berlin or was that Neil Young?"

"Can't remember..."

"Hmmm, hmmm...."

Outside the door there is some shouting in a strange language.
Bob is wincing.

"Where are we, Mark?"

"Hamburg, Bob..."

"Hmmm, hmmm..  - Hamburg in Germany, Mark?"

"Yeah, Bob.


May... I play a little encore at the end tonight, Bob?
I know all the words, I could sing a verse, too!"

"Next time, Mark, next time..."

"Hmmm, Hmmm."





  • Romeo
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Re: Bob Dylan & Mark Knopfler Tour 2011
« Reply #591 on: December 17, 2011, 11:09:15 PM »
You could have transcribed it from a secret recording!


  • Romeo
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Re: Bob Dylan & Mark Knopfler Tour 2011
« Reply #592 on: December 19, 2011, 10:18:05 AM »
Only tangentially relevant, but the Hammersmith Odeon may be sold:

HMV posts challenging results, may sell MAMA Group  
HMV sales fell again in the first-half of the company's fiscal year, with losses widening - although technology sales were a highlight. The company is now considering the sale of Hammersmith Apollo and Great Escape owner MAMA Group.

This comes from a musicbiz service. I hope it is and that the buyer does something about the sticky carpet floors. Also, I've heard that the facilities for the performers are none too good, either. Does anyone know about this?


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