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Author Topic: Sonny Liston with third man theme  (Read 44959 times)


  • Romeo
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Re: Sonny Liston with third man theme
« Reply #60 on: December 20, 2011, 11:26:52 AM »
Those on this site clearly like guitar playing, so Segovia is well worth checking out. When I was young and at home, there was no means of playing records in the house (it was all radio and live gigs for me), so I was no longer in my teens when I got my first record player - I still have that old Dansette, a bit dusty and grubby these days, in the garage and I doubt if I will ever throw it away. I can, more or less, remember, the first 10 or 15 albums I bought to play on it. One of those was "Segovia Plays Bach" on the Saga label. In fact, it was a bit of a con, because Segovia only played on one side; there was Bach organ music on the other. Nevertheless, it was a lucky purchase because Saga, not being a frontline record label, did not get it from one of the major labels, but licensed it from elsewhere - in this case, it was from recordings done for the Musicraft label (in the United States in 1947). It's an absolute gem.

Many years later, I happened to be in Liberty's (a fairly up-market London department store) and spotted a cassette with the same cover and it had a fuller set of tracks. Of course, cassettes are not great for listening to classical guitar music (too much noise for the quiet parts), so, many years later, I bought the lot on CD. It's still available, from a small Canadian label called Doremi (as in the first notes on the musical scale - Doh Ray Mee, in English notation). It's in the series "Segovia and his Contemporaries"and it's "Volume 3: Segovia and Walker" (DOREMI  DHR-7709). Doremi specialise in transcribing their CDs from old 78s and they do an excellent job.  (Luise Walker's tracks are taken from Telefunken and Odeon releases in the 1930s)


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Re: Sonny Liston with third man theme
« Reply #61 on: December 20, 2011, 11:35:43 AM »
i just wonder TWM, as you always add so much info when talking about records and shows, do you write all that stuff down when you buy/saw it?
or do you go through your library of musci and books and stuff and look for it, then to write it in a reply on here?
i love keeping archive of all the stuff i download (and i am at 8600 lines of single downloads now, in my excel file  :disbelief ) so i wonder if you do too, it most definitely looks like it.
any Knopfler, Floyd or Dylan will do....


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Re: Sonny Liston with third man theme
« Reply #62 on: December 20, 2011, 12:36:51 PM »
I agree that Segovia is a master of guitar
Robbie Krieger (Doors guitarist) quote him as great influence

I like Narcisso Yepes too, I prefer his version of "concerto de Aranjuez" than Julian Bream's one

Pottel, I'm far far far from your music database in terms of quantity, but I also like to classify my CD in an excel file, and I always wonder :
by genre or by concomitant artists (e.g. cream near clapton, but then you have to put Stills solo near CSN...) ? so I choosed by alphabetic order like in CD shops...  8)
and after you have : by recording date, or by release date  ::) e.g. live at the BBC after OES, or between communique and MM ?
It's particular tricky with Hendrix's catalog..... ;D

and then comes the bootleg thing....... I've tried to put all my gigs in chronological order, but sorted by tours....so when you have e.g. live aid which is not part of the BIA tour (IMHO), I choose to put it in "various gigs" like mandela or knebworth, but it's a little bit strange, as it's on the same day of a BIA gig...... ::)
I know, many people call me mad ;D


  • Romeo
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Re: Sonny Liston with third man theme
« Reply #63 on: December 20, 2011, 01:39:27 PM »
Years ago, Julian Bream did a wonderful TV series called "!Guitarra!" (the "!" at the beginning is upside down, in the Spanish style, but I can't manage that) and subtitled, "The Guitar in Spain". The series is available on a double-DVD set (on ArtHausMusik 102 003) and includes all 8 programmes in the series, lasting over 3 hours in total. The programme, in a sense, is as much about Spain, its history and culture, as it is about the history of guitars and the practice of guitar playing in Spain, but it covers all of that thrown togther as seen through the eyes of an Englishman enamoured of Spain.

In answer to Pottel's question, a lot is down to memory but I still have pocket diaries from the mid to late 1960s (except 1964, sadly) with notes (just very brief outline notes, no detail) of what I did, where I went, who I met, parties attended, pubs visited, even the odd Tv programme seen or radio programme heard. But I do not have notes on records bought (and a few sold). I also have a lot of books, to which I can refer when memory fails (and, as I get older, as memory fades). I have also kept many (not all) of the concert tickets, a few of the club membership cards, a very few handbills. In terms of Dylan, I have a fairly extensive collection of newspaper and magazine articles, some in original form, more as photocopies and avery few as typescript versions. Where I have sorted them, they are kept in chronological date order but there are many still left to sort and file. In the last decade, though, I've almost given up on collecting articles, because virtually everything comes on the internet and, printed off, they all look the same and thus very boring. There is a certain romance in handling a newspaper or magazine bought on the other side of the world and sent through the mail, to be filed in my system. There is none in the digital form, though I do admit that I have found a fair amount of long-lost and/or previously elusive material on the internet.

As time passes, I find that, more and more, I go to the sources (articles, books, discs etc) to check my memory. Usually, my memory is right (or very close) but not always. I met Cerys Matthews (of Catatonia fame and now a BBC 6 Music dj) after the last hammersmith show and suggested a track on a theme she had mentioned in a programme a few weeks earlier. To my chagrin, I attributed it to the wrong album. It was by John Stewart, incidentally.


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Re: Sonny Liston with third man theme
« Reply #64 on: December 20, 2011, 01:54:30 PM »
i used to love the shortlived Catatonia and Cerys. did she not suffer from drinking problems?
in answer to Jean Francois, i never catalogued my cd collection, just my live recording downloads, including the few original bootlegs i used to buy in the old days.
some day i will do the cd collection thing as well, but the tool i use to scan my harddrives and lists my stuff in a way that i like it, called "Cathy" somehow does not give me the needed info that it gives me for normal harddrive stored shows.
so if anyone has a good idea, pls let me know.
JF, contact me, i can send you my list of stuff, it is VERY varied.
Also, i used to be absolutely blown away by the documentary on the "Sevilla Guitar Greats" show, that also included Bob Dylan, and the likes of Richard Thompson, Joe Satriani, Joe Walsh etc...etc....
it was awesome, and i think you can still get it officially to this day.
any Knopfler, Floyd or Dylan will do....


  • Romeo
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Re: Sonny Liston with third man theme
« Reply #65 on: December 20, 2011, 02:28:26 PM »
She did have a drinking problem (drugs, too, I think) but is now clean apparently. It is said that Dylan helped her in this endeavour in some way but I've never got round to checking out this story so it may not be true.

Her radio programme, an unusually electic mix of music, is mostly broadcast live. She takes "tweets" and e-mails live. The programme lasts 2 hours and is on BBC 6 Music on Sunday mornings at 10.00 am (UK time). It is not available on AM or FM, only as a digital broadcast but you can listen in on the internet. Here's the link:


I think you can hear each week's programme on-line anytime during the 7 days following the original broadcast.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 04:31:06 PM by twm »


  • Romeo
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Re: Sonny Liston with third man theme
« Reply #66 on: December 20, 2011, 10:01:11 PM »
Just out of interest (and to return us to the main theme of these threads, perhaps), Segovia died in 1987 at the age of 94 and, just a few months before he died, he played his last concert, which was in Miami. Our boys (Bob and Mark, that is) are mere youngsters by comparison, with years of performing ahead of them - maybe..


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