Ingo's lists is not always correct though. Acoustic guitar for solos in 'A Place'? Seriously? This is just an example from the top of my head.
if you're talking about the "new" song list, I mean the one on the "new" site, not he the one on the "old" site, it's mainly me who compiled infos with itws, clips, videos, sounds, my ears, discussions with Ingo or others forumers, etc...
I am not expert in guitars in general, and less about acoustic guitars, and I must admit I am less interested in acoustic models than electric ones.
So on mostly all acoustic guitars parts, I wrote "acoustic guitar" without knowing which model it was between the ragpicker MK signature, one of his vintage Martins, gibson jumbo, etc...
BTW, on "A place" I wrote "acoustic guitar" for RB's rhtyhm, not for solo 4 - A place where we used to liveat the beginning, the project of these pages was intented to suggest discussions between guitar freaks, and try to add the more infos we all have.
So if you have more accurate infos aboute these, feel free to add them

you can use the comment section, ore even better, Ingo suggested people whi want to be editors of these pages