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Author Topic: Rocks and Water - Local hero  (Read 13702 times)


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Re: Rocks and Water - Local hero
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2023, 06:22:47 PM »
"I love it too. So beautiful. Thanks for sharing.  :thumbsup
All of the songs Mark wrote for the musical are so beautiful and I wish he would record them with his band.
Don't get me wrong, all of these actors really did a nice job performing these songs but I prefer Mark singing them"

That's true.
I know the way I can see by the moonlight
Clear as the day
Now come on woman, come follow me home


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Re: Rocks and Water - Local hero
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2023, 07:06:41 PM »
All this stuff costs money and with the pandemic I'm assuming the musical has lost money for its investors at this stage, so I would doubt if they would go to  the expense of doing it again with another band when they already recorded with MK and top session guys.

Actually the London dates at the Old Vic in 2020 were postponed and cancelled before they started to rehearse or do anything regarding the Old Vic run, and the Edinburgh run the year before was a success as they had to extend it two or three weeks more.

As far as I know the Old Vic run was suspended because after the pandemic, the person who had to direct it had several projects postponed and had to choose what to do, and also the Old Vic and many other theatres had many plays on stand by so looks like Local Hero had suffered for both reasons and was like abandoned while the rest of postponed things were being rescheduled.

Luckily Daniel Evans from Chichester wanted to revamp it and it was successful as all shows were sold out, which was easy as the Minerva Theatre is small, but now Evans is director at the Royal Shakespeare Company who has some plays and musicals in London further than Shakespeare ones, so I guess there is a chance for Local Hero to arrive to London...

But you mean the recording, not the play. Yes, it's cheaper to use the MK.demos but Evans already modified things from the Edinburgh run in Chichester and probably would modify more to London so rerecordings would be needed, by MK.and his band or the musical band... Hope it's MK!

Yeah, but my understanding is that the upfront development costs for shows like these are huge, and while there is always risk that a show is a flop, I guess the hope would have been that these would have been covered by Edinburgh and London. Maybe Chichester made up the shortfall, I wouldn't know, hopefully it did.
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Re: Rocks and Water - Local hero
« Reply #17 on: December 12, 2023, 10:13:47 PM »
I discovered a nice rendition that Isaac Shabtay (you might remember him as he followed this phen24 review https://phenforlife.com/phen24-reviews/ by emily the Get Lucky tour in its entirity, and I think also Privateering, and did a great diary of it)
did from this wonderful song from the Local Hero Musical:

I really love his approaching to it. I hope you like it too.

I love it too. So beautiful. Thanks for sharing.  :thumbsup 
All of the songs Mark wrote for the musical are so beautiful and I wish he would record them with his band.
Don't get me wrong, all of these actors really did a nice job performing these songs but I prefer Mark singing them.

Love the Cover!! Great work!
I listen to this three times back to back.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2024, 08:17:26 AM by FloranceHappy »


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Re: Rocks and Water - Local hero
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2023, 06:56:47 AM »
I discovered a nice rendition that Isaac Shabtay (you might remember him as he followed the Get Lucky tour in its entirity, and I think also Privateering, and did a great diary of it)
did from this wonderful song from the Local Hero Musical:

I really love his approaching to it. I hope you like it too.

I love it too. So beautiful. Thanks for sharing.  :thumbsup 
All of the songs Mark wrote for the musical are so beautiful and I wish he would record them with his band.
Don't get me wrong, all of these actors really did a nice job performing these songs but I prefer Mark singing them.

Love the Cover!! Great work!
I listen to this three times back to back.

The Local Hero musical has some very beautiful songs that are not cherished by fans as they deserve as many hasn't attended the musical and don't know them, "rocks and water" is one of them.

For me, "Houston, we have a problem" and "what a life" are even more beautiful songs than that one.

And after the changes made for Chichester version I would say that "Numbers" is quite beautiful too.
So Long


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