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Author Topic: #07 DTRW TOUR - May 05 2019 - Navarra Arena, Pamplona, Spain #SPOILER#  (Read 47988 times)


  • Erwin Knopfler
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Thank you, enrkaton82 for your lovely review.  I can hardly wait for my three concerts and I know I won't be disappointed, but perhaps a bit sad that it 's the end of an era!    :)
Goin' into Tow Law....


  • Guitar George
  • Posts: 44
  • Location: Spain
  • Registered: December 2012
Thank you, enrkaton82 for your lovely review.  I can hardly wait for my three concerts and I know I won't be disappointed, but perhaps a bit sad that it 's the end of an era!    :)

Thank you for reading! I guess that my coments must be a little "cringe" sometimes because while MK struggles with the Sultans last solo, i struggle with the words  :lol Anyway, thank you for your kind words and thank you all for keeping this thing alive (and well living)

About the "end of an era" topic, i know that i´ts difficult to make up the mind. I have lived it with the retirement of many of my all time fav artists  (much older than MK). Obviously, on the beginning it is difficult to handle, but later, you stop thinking about JJ Cale / Jack Bruce / Lonnie Mack in terms of "the man who walks, eat and sleep, the person who play music, put records in the market, announce upcoming tours and is part of your daily news feed" and you start seeing  Gregg Allman / Bobby Bland / UFO as "the legacy, the music that has been recorded during many years and has been given to us as a gift".

I hope the retirement of MK would come much later than we would desire. But anyway, is the music that matters, and at the end of the day, the road goes forever :)

Enjoy your upcoming shows. Greetings.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2019, 04:51:18 PM by enrkaton82 »
And we have just one world...


  • Lady writer
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Watching Bacon Roll now. Although I am sure (= it might be) that OSAAT is too personal for him to perform, also Bacon Roll seems to be  personal for Mark. During the end solo he seems to be almost crying. Am I right?


  • David Knopfler
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I agree with dmg

So do I.  He knows what he's talking about!

Sometimes...  :lol

Don't believe him.  Most of the time he just opens his mouth and lets his belly rumble.  ;D
"I'm playing all the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order."


  • Lady writer
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    • Here some occasionally resonable music..
There may be no formula for writing songs like Mark, but if you want to do tours like Mark, do the following:

1. You and me Richard, Good Luck
2. Pick songs with long outros to let the musicians jam along some sort of vamp for as long as possible
3. Pick songs you already rehearsed for previous tours, but which got rejected for some reason
4. From the new album take songs which literally nobody expects to hear live and
5. Take the most unexpected song from #4 and make it an opener
6. Pick songs based on difficulty level, despite the fact that you have Richard the Good Luck who can play anything including solos and already did that with songs like 5:15 a.m. and the first part of Telegraph Road
7. Have a dedicated percussion player in the band, but give the cowbell to flutist
8. Play half of the show while sitting, despite the fact that in 2010 you played the whole show while sitting and nobody has complained

Bonus tracks:

1. Throw away a 15-minutes song that a lot of people wants to hear and replace it with nothing
2. Change the opener from date to date for no apparent reason

You don't like his touring decisions, I get it, that's fine. So don't pay for it then, don't go.

It is what it is, I just don't get all the griping. Do you think mark is going to come on here and suddenly have an epiphany because of your critique? Hardly likely.

I think you only criticise when you care, perhaps too much.  I know I do.  I don't want to see Mark go around the world performing shows that don't showcase how he can play.  I don't want this to be the legacy he leaves.  If he cannot perform a "proper" show I would have rather he had taken on a few shows on a UK tour or perhaps not toured at all - there's no shame in that.  I've forgiven him so many things, so many songs being dropped or stripped down but now there's nothing left to the shows.

It's not just a case of don't go when you've been listening since you were at primary school, collecting every available bootleg, going to umpteen shows since DS days - it's been a huge part of my life.  Just don't go?  This is what I don't think Mark gets.  There is no option for me (and many others) about whether I'm going or not and yet he just doesn't care.

I stand by my comment that fans are being short changed if some are getting longer shows than others and hearing TR while others aren't, while others will be subject to airport curfews and whatever that will bring to their show.  Whether that is down to bad planning and PCM or not is really irrelevant because it's been happening tour after tour and Mark doesn't mind.

@Quizzy: Love that list!

I agree. At least be fair to all fans on all different venues, have an average setlist of 16? And not 14 like some had last tour... Do they remember FAIR Admission? They should start Fair Setlist Admission   8)

Sorry but I really think you're missing the point.

Here we are again, stood behind the maestro, telling him what to paint, how to paint it, what colour to use, and how long to paint for. You may as well go watch DSL!

The false sense of entitlement shown on here is at best unfortunate as the artist owes the fan nothing in terms of creative process.

I think you are missing one of my points by suggesting I see DSL if you don't mind me saying so.  :)

I take point with people saying he owes us nothing.  It is the fan buying his records and concert tickets over the years that allows him his own recording studio, fancy guitars, equipment and ability to make the records he makes today. We buy the tickets for this tour and we should have a setlist with at least some expectations.  I don't think it's too much to ask.  I would rather he didn't tour at all than leave this as his final set because it's very sad for me personally. 

No offence but I don't find the painter analogy realistic.

Mark is an artist, plain and simple. No artist should ever allow themselves to be driven by what others want, the analogy is as simple as that.


  • Honorary Knopfler fans- Editor
  • Mark F. Knopfler
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    • My book about Dire Straits and Mark Knopfler
Watching Bacon Roll now. Although I am sure (= it might be) that OSAAT is too personal for him to perform, also Bacon Roll seems to be  personal for Mark. During the end solo he seems to be almost crying. Am I right?


He remembers how his bacon roll ended in the wrong table and had to order a tostie instead.

A very painful memory.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2019, 08:41:22 PM by jbaent »
You might get lucky, now and then

My book about Dire Straits and Mark Knopfler


  • Lady writer
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Watching Bacon Roll now. Although I am sure (= it might be) that OSAAT is too personal for him to perform, also Bacon Roll seems to be  personal for Mark. During the end solo he seems to be almost crying. Am I right?


He remembers how his bacon toll ended in the wrong table and had to order a tostie instead.

A very painful memory.



  • Camerado
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Have just arrived home after the Pamplona Show

Best MK concert i have been (seen only 2013-2015 and yesterday)

They did not played TR (my personal favourite, must say) and you know what?

I didn´t missed TR at all because it was an incredible show. I was just well feed. I had enough with the 2.10h show, with MK in great form (despite his physical struggles), some surprises: Heart Full of Holes (one of my all time favs, not only by MK, but also in general "I think i´ll retire..."), Silvertown (we have been praying for that for 18 years), On Every Street (just incredible. I´m not embarrassed to say that i was very emotional), a reborn WHY AYE MAN (incredible way to start, with 9 mins of music that sum up the MK musical concept, the "transatlantic blues", Sailing ( it´s back! one of the key songs of the solo career), ONCE UPON A TIME (When all we were assuming that MK is not able to bring any surpriese... WHAM! a wet dream come true), Lastest Trick (yes, studio version is better, but live is algo great. And audience response is great because is a song that means much to lots of people. Many memories by now...), Matchstick Man (plain incredible... The best thing that nowadays-MK can give to us) , MFN (proving that he still can blow up amps again, melting the concrete walls of the arena with the thickier tone that he has in his weapondry. He used to could, but... Still can rock and blow off the ceiling!) and of course Going Home (that one must be OBLIGATORY by law in all his shows). This is the best band MK has had, playing their butts off, with lost of energy and passion. This time, the Macs (folkies) had not all the time in the sun they had last tours, but in that way, show was more eclectic: Celtic, jazz, blues, funk (Stevie Wonder Superstition meets JJ Cale), rock (truly!), band-moments, shining solo parts, shiny MK solo parts, roots music, eighties hits, solo classics, solo new ones, hidden gems,  MK in a very good mood (physically was very tired), but he talked a lot between songs and really put a effort to lead the ship.

I see that there is lot of frustration in AMIT because the absence of certain songs. My advice: It´s not worthy to get anger and blame for these things. At this time of the life it is not necesary.  Things looks different from the heat of the moment. It is not the same to enter in setlist fm and see the list than living it "inside your flesh". Into the arena (no Schenker pun intended) you see the whole thing from a different perspective: That´s when you really realize that MK puts a lots of effort nowadays and he gave us a lot yesterday, but also is giving a lot this tour and he also has been giving a lot during the last 42 years...

My advice: Don´t waste your illusion in a blind rage because a song that already had his lifetime conpleted (sad but true, we have to recognise it and make up our minds. The circle is now completed). Telegraph Road (1983-2015) has arrived to the end of the river. You must put your feet on the ground and be realistic. To be honest, since 2008-2010, every MK album, show, tour, OST, musical... has been a gift. A gift for all the fans. We must gather all we can while we still can.

in order to sum up, if you are hesitating about attending to a 2019 MK show, i reccomend you to go. Just go. Don´t feel insecure or bitter about the lack of the 15th song (there´s still 16-17 songs to hear) Just go. Don´t let bitter domine you. Just go.  Won´t be

You are so right and speaking out of my mind. I hat the same feeling in Barcelona. It was awesome. (Ok tr was played, but that was Not my highlight. ) I dont regret any single paid € for this trip/show. Some days after the show I had still a smile in face. Which I hadnt had from my previous 10+ shows I have attended since 2001.
Greetz Tom

Dortmund , Cologne 2015 done
Barcelona, RAH 21st, Oberhausen


  • Guitar George
  • Posts: 44
  • Location: Spain
  • Registered: December 2012
Have just arrived home after the Pamplona Show

Best MK concert i have been (seen only 2013-2015 and yesterday)

They did not played TR (my personal favourite, must say) and you know what?

I didn´t missed TR at all because it was an incredible show. I was just well feed. I had enough with the 2.10h show, with MK in great form (despite his physical struggles), some surprises: Heart Full of Holes (one of my all time favs, not only by MK, but also in general "I think i´ll retire..."), Silvertown (we have been praying for that for 18 years), On Every Street (just incredible. I´m not embarrassed to say that i was very emotional), a reborn WHY AYE MAN (incredible way to start, with 9 mins of music that sum up the MK musical concept, the "transatlantic blues", Sailing ( it´s back! one of the key songs of the solo career), ONCE UPON A TIME (When all we were assuming that MK is not able to bring any surpriese... WHAM! a wet dream come true), Lastest Trick (yes, studio version is better, but live is algo great. And audience response is great because is a song that means much to lots of people. Many memories by now...), Matchstick Man (plain incredible... The best thing that nowadays-MK can give to us) , MFN (proving that he still can blow up amps again, melting the concrete walls of the arena with the thickier tone that he has in his weapondry. He used to could, but... Still can rock and blow off the ceiling!) and of course Going Home (that one must be OBLIGATORY by law in all his shows). This is the best band MK has had, playing their butts off, with lost of energy and passion. This time, the Macs (folkies) had not all the time in the sun they had last tours, but in that way, show was more eclectic: Celtic, jazz, blues, funk (Stevie Wonder Superstition meets JJ Cale), rock (truly!), band-moments, shining solo parts, shiny MK solo parts, roots music, eighties hits, solo classics, solo new ones, hidden gems,  MK in a very good mood (physically was very tired), but he talked a lot between songs and really put a effort to lead the ship.

I see that there is lot of frustration in AMIT because the absence of certain songs. My advice: It´s not worthy to get anger and blame for these things. At this time of the life it is not necesary.  Things looks different from the heat of the moment. It is not the same to enter in setlist fm and see the list than living it "inside your flesh". Into the arena (no Schenker pun intended) you see the whole thing from a different perspective: That´s when you really realize that MK puts a lots of effort nowadays and he gave us a lot yesterday, but also is giving a lot this tour and he also has been giving a lot during the last 42 years...

My advice: Don´t waste your illusion in a blind rage because a song that already had his lifetime conpleted (sad but true, we have to recognise it and make up our minds. The circle is now completed). Telegraph Road (1983-2015) has arrived to the end of the river. You must put your feet on the ground and be realistic. To be honest, since 2008-2010, every MK album, show, tour, OST, musical... has been a gift. A gift for all the fans. We must gather all we can while we still can.

in order to sum up, if you are hesitating about attending to a 2019 MK show, i reccomend you to go. Just go. Don´t feel insecure or bitter about the lack of the 15th song (there´s still 16-17 songs to hear) Just go. Don´t let bitter domine you. Just go.  Won´t be

You are so right and speaking out of my mind. I hat the same feeling in Barcelona. It was awesome. (Ok tr was played, but that was Not my highlight. ) I dont regret any single paid € for this trip/show. Some days after the show I had still a smile in face. Which I hadnt had from my previous 10+ shows I have attended since 2001.

Glad to see you enjoyed the Barcelona show. There was lots of expectation in that one but i think MK fullfilled them.

While i read this thread i am remembering the Pamplona one in a similar way. It was just 24 hours ago (yesterday, at this time they were playing Bacon roll or Matchstick), but i remember all "blurry" (to say something). I remember it in the way that we remember dreams. I remember the running order, the songs, the details, the words, all the little things of the performance. But still can´t assume that i were here. I see myself floating over my seat. And now, i´m also experimenting a special mix of happiness and peace.

Same with the 2013 show i attended, a little low-profile, to be honest (typical 2013 MK show of the late tour, with only 15 songs, no speedway, no sultans, no BIA, but Haul Away, Dug up a Diamond and slow-paced numbers). However, it was my first one and it make it special. I also went with my father (it was his first "big" concert ever) Very special memories to me. I think that attending with my father to my first MK concert will be one of the strongest memories that i will carry throught all my lifetime (specially in the future, when my father won´t be here anymore)
And we have just one world...


  • Honorary Knopfler fans- Editor
  • Mark F. Knopfler
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  • Registered: August 2008
    • My book about Dire Straits and Mark Knopfler
Have just arrived home after the Pamplona Show

Best MK concert i have been (seen only 2013-2015 and yesterday)

They did not played TR (my personal favourite, must say) and you know what?

I didn´t missed TR at all because it was an incredible show. I was just well feed. I had enough with the 2.10h show, with MK in great form (despite his physical struggles), some surprises: Heart Full of Holes (one of my all time favs, not only by MK, but also in general "I think i´ll retire..."), Silvertown (we have been praying for that for 18 years), On Every Street (just incredible. I´m not embarrassed to say that i was very emotional), a reborn WHY AYE MAN (incredible way to start, with 9 mins of music that sum up the MK musical concept, the "transatlantic blues", Sailing ( it´s back! one of the key songs of the solo career), ONCE UPON A TIME (When all we were assuming that MK is not able to bring any surpriese... WHAM! a wet dream come true), Lastest Trick (yes, studio version is better, but live is algo great. And audience response is great because is a song that means much to lots of people. Many memories by now...), Matchstick Man (plain incredible... The best thing that nowadays-MK can give to us) , MFN (proving that he still can blow up amps again, melting the concrete walls of the arena with the thickier tone that he has in his weapondry. He used to could, but... Still can rock and blow off the ceiling!) and of course Going Home (that one must be OBLIGATORY by law in all his shows). This is the best band MK has had, playing their butts off, with lost of energy and passion. This time, the Macs (folkies) had not all the time in the sun they had last tours, but in that way, show was more eclectic: Celtic, jazz, blues, funk (Stevie Wonder Superstition meets JJ Cale), rock (truly!), band-moments, shining solo parts, shiny MK solo parts, roots music, eighties hits, solo classics, solo new ones, hidden gems,  MK in a very good mood (physically was very tired), but he talked a lot between songs and really put a effort to lead the ship.

I see that there is lot of frustration in AMIT because the absence of certain songs. My advice: It´s not worthy to get anger and blame for these things. At this time of the life it is not necesary.  Things looks different from the heat of the moment. It is not the same to enter in setlist fm and see the list than living it "inside your flesh". Into the arena (no Schenker pun intended) you see the whole thing from a different perspective: That´s when you really realize that MK puts a lots of effort nowadays and he gave us a lot yesterday, but also is giving a lot this tour and he also has been giving a lot during the last 42 years...

My advice: Don´t waste your illusion in a blind rage because a song that already had his lifetime conpleted (sad but true, we have to recognise it and make up our minds. The circle is now completed). Telegraph Road (1983-2015) has arrived to the end of the river. You must put your feet on the ground and be realistic. To be honest, since 2008-2010, every MK album, show, tour, OST, musical... has been a gift. A gift for all the fans. We must gather all we can while we still can.

in order to sum up, if you are hesitating about attending to a 2019 MK show, i reccomend you to go. Just go. Don´t feel insecure or bitter about the lack of the 15th song (there´s still 16-17 songs to hear) Just go. Don´t let bitter domine you. Just go.  Won´t be

You are so right and speaking out of my mind. I hat the same feeling in Barcelona. It was awesome. (Ok tr was played, but that was Not my highlight. ) I dont regret any single paid € for this trip/show. Some days after the show I had still a smile in face. Which I hadnt had from my previous 10+ shows I have attended since 2001.

Glad to see you enjoyed the Barcelona show. There was lots of expectation in that one but i think MK fullfilled them.

While i read this thread i am remembering the Pamplona one in a similar way. It was just 24 hours ago (yesterday, at this time they were playing Bacon roll or Matchstick), but i remember all "blurry" (to say something). I remember it in the way that we remember dreams. I remember the running order, the songs, the details, the words, all the little things of the performance. But still can´t assume that i were here. I see myself floating over my seat. And now, i´m also experimenting a special mix of happiness and peace.

Same with the 2013 show i attended, a little low-profile, to be honest (typical 2013 MK show of the late tour, with only 15 songs, no speedway, no sultans, no BIA, but Haul Away, Dug up a Diamond and slow-paced numbers). However, it was my first one and it make it special. I also went with my father (it was his first "big" concert ever) Very special memories to me. I think that attending with my father to my first MK concert will be one of the strongest memories that i will carry throught all my lifetime (specially in the future, when my father won´t be here anymore)
You might get lucky, now and then

My book about Dire Straits and Mark Knopfler


  • Honorary Knopfler fans- Editor
  • Mark F. Knopfler
  • **********
  • I'm never happy unless I've sth to complain about.
  • Posts: 13447
  • Location: Tambourine Land
  • Registered: August 2008
    • My book about Dire Straits and Mark Knopfler
Have just arrived home after the Pamplona Show

Best MK concert i have been (seen only 2013-2015 and yesterday)

They did not played TR (my personal favourite, must say) and you know what?

I didn´t missed TR at all because it was an incredible show. I was just well feed. I had enough with the 2.10h show, with MK in great form (despite his physical struggles), some surprises: Heart Full of Holes (one of my all time favs, not only by MK, but also in general "I think i´ll retire..."), Silvertown (we have been praying for that for 18 years), On Every Street (just incredible. I´m not embarrassed to say that i was very emotional), a reborn WHY AYE MAN (incredible way to start, with 9 mins of music that sum up the MK musical concept, the "transatlantic blues", Sailing ( it´s back! one of the key songs of the solo career), ONCE UPON A TIME (When all we were assuming that MK is not able to bring any surpriese... WHAM! a wet dream come true), Lastest Trick (yes, studio version is better, but live is algo great. And audience response is great because is a song that means much to lots of people. Many memories by now...), Matchstick Man (plain incredible... The best thing that nowadays-MK can give to us) , MFN (proving that he still can blow up amps again, melting the concrete walls of the arena with the thickier tone that he has in his weapondry. He used to could, but... Still can rock and blow off the ceiling!) and of course Going Home (that one must be OBLIGATORY by law in all his shows). This is the best band MK has had, playing their butts off, with lost of energy and passion. This time, the Macs (folkies) had not all the time in the sun they had last tours, but in that way, show was more eclectic: Celtic, jazz, blues, funk (Stevie Wonder Superstition meets JJ Cale), rock (truly!), band-moments, shining solo parts, shiny MK solo parts, roots music, eighties hits, solo classics, solo new ones, hidden gems,  MK in a very good mood (physically was very tired), but he talked a lot between songs and really put a effort to lead the ship.

I see that there is lot of frustration in AMIT because the absence of certain songs. My advice: It´s not worthy to get anger and blame for these things. At this time of the life it is not necesary.  Things looks different from the heat of the moment. It is not the same to enter in setlist fm and see the list than living it "inside your flesh". Into the arena (no Schenker pun intended) you see the whole thing from a different perspective: That´s when you really realize that MK puts a lots of effort nowadays and he gave us a lot yesterday, but also is giving a lot this tour and he also has been giving a lot during the last 42 years...

My advice: Don´t waste your illusion in a blind rage because a song that already had his lifetime conpleted (sad but true, we have to recognise it and make up our minds. The circle is now completed). Telegraph Road (1983-2015) has arrived to the end of the river. You must put your feet on the ground and be realistic. To be honest, since 2008-2010, every MK album, show, tour, OST, musical... has been a gift. A gift for all the fans. We must gather all we can while we still can.

in order to sum up, if you are hesitating about attending to a 2019 MK show, i reccomend you to go. Just go. Don´t feel insecure or bitter about the lack of the 15th song (there´s still 16-17 songs to hear) Just go. Don´t let bitter domine you. Just go.  Won´t be

You are so right and speaking out of my mind. I hat the same feeling in Barcelona. It was awesome. (Ok tr was played, but that was Not my highlight. ) I dont regret any single paid € for this trip/show. Some days after the show I had still a smile in face. Which I hadnt had from my previous 10+ shows I have attended since 2001.

Glad to see you enjoyed the Barcelona show. There was lots of expectation in that one but i think MK fullfilled them.

While i read this thread i am remembering the Pamplona one in a similar way. It was just 24 hours ago (yesterday, at this time they were playing Bacon roll or Matchstick), but i remember all "blurry" (to say something). I remember it in the way that we remember dreams. I remember the running order, the songs, the details, the words, all the little things of the performance. But still can´t assume that i were here. I see myself floating over my seat. And now, i´m also experimenting a special mix of happiness and peace.

Same with the 2013 show i attended, a little low-profile, to be honest (typical 2013 MK show of the late tour, with only 15 songs, no speedway, no sultans, no BIA, but Haul Away, Dug up a Diamond and slow-paced numbers). However, it was my first one and it make it special. I also went with my father (it was his first "big" concert ever) Very special memories to me. I think that attending with my father to my first MK concert will be one of the strongest memories that i will carry throught all my lifetime (specially in the future, when my father won´t be here anymore)
You might get lucky, now and then

My book about Dire Straits and Mark Knopfler


  • Honorary Knopfler fans- Editor
  • Mark F. Knopfler
  • **********
  • I'm never happy unless I've sth to complain about.
  • Posts: 13447
  • Location: Tambourine Land
  • Registered: August 2008
    • My book about Dire Straits and Mark Knopfler
Have just arrived home after the Pamplona Show

Best MK concert i have been (seen only 2013-2015 and yesterday)

They did not played TR (my personal favourite, must say) and you know what?

I didn´t missed TR at all because it was an incredible show. I was just well feed. I had enough with the 2.10h show, with MK in great form (despite his physical struggles), some surprises: Heart Full of Holes (one of my all time favs, not only by MK, but also in general "I think i´ll retire..."), Silvertown (we have been praying for that for 18 years), On Every Street (just incredible. I´m not embarrassed to say that i was very emotional), a reborn WHY AYE MAN (incredible way to start, with 9 mins of music that sum up the MK musical concept, the "transatlantic blues", Sailing ( it´s back! one of the key songs of the solo career), ONCE UPON A TIME (When all we were assuming that MK is not able to bring any surpriese... WHAM! a wet dream come true), Lastest Trick (yes, studio version is better, but live is algo great. And audience response is great because is a song that means much to lots of people. Many memories by now...), Matchstick Man (plain incredible... The best thing that nowadays-MK can give to us) , MFN (proving that he still can blow up amps again, melting the concrete walls of the arena with the thickier tone that he has in his weapondry. He used to could, but... Still can rock and blow off the ceiling!) and of course Going Home (that one must be OBLIGATORY by law in all his shows). This is the best band MK has had, playing their butts off, with lost of energy and passion. This time, the Macs (folkies) had not all the time in the sun they had last tours, but in that way, show was more eclectic: Celtic, jazz, blues, funk (Stevie Wonder Superstition meets JJ Cale), rock (truly!), band-moments, shining solo parts, shiny MK solo parts, roots music, eighties hits, solo classics, solo new ones, hidden gems,  MK in a very good mood (physically was very tired), but he talked a lot between songs and really put a effort to lead the ship.

I see that there is lot of frustration in AMIT because the absence of certain songs. My advice: It´s not worthy to get anger and blame for these things. At this time of the life it is not necesary.  Things looks different from the heat of the moment. It is not the same to enter in setlist fm and see the list than living it "inside your flesh". Into the arena (no Schenker pun intended) you see the whole thing from a different perspective: That´s when you really realize that MK puts a lots of effort nowadays and he gave us a lot yesterday, but also is giving a lot this tour and he also has been giving a lot during the last 42 years...

My advice: Don´t waste your illusion in a blind rage because a song that already had his lifetime conpleted (sad but true, we have to recognise it and make up our minds. The circle is now completed). Telegraph Road (1983-2015) has arrived to the end of the river. You must put your feet on the ground and be realistic. To be honest, since 2008-2010, every MK album, show, tour, OST, musical... has been a gift. A gift for all the fans. We must gather all we can while we still can.

in order to sum up, if you are hesitating about attending to a 2019 MK show, i reccomend you to go. Just go. Don´t feel insecure or bitter about the lack of the 15th song (there´s still 16-17 songs to hear) Just go. Don´t let bitter domine you. Just go.  Won´t be

You are so right and speaking out of my mind. I hat the same feeling in Barcelona. It was awesome. (Ok tr was played, but that was Not my highlight. ) I dont regret any single paid € for this trip/show. Some days after the show I had still a smile in face. Which I hadnt had from my previous 10+ shows I have attended since 2001.

Glad to see you enjoyed the Barcelona show. There was lots of expectation in that one but i think MK fullfilled them.

While i read this thread i am remembering the Pamplona one in a similar way. It was just 24 hours ago (yesterday, at this time they were playing Bacon roll or Matchstick), but i remember all "blurry" (to say something). I remember it in the way that we remember dreams. I remember the running order, the songs, the details, the words, all the little things of the performance. But still can´t assume that i were here. I see myself floating over my seat. And now, i´m also experimenting a special mix of happiness and peace.

Same with the 2013 show i attended, a little low-profile, to be honest (typical 2013 MK show of the late tour, with only 15 songs, no speedway, no sultans, no BIA, but Haul Away, Dug up a Diamond and slow-paced numbers). However, it was my first one and it make it special. I also went with my father (it was his first "big" concert ever) Very special memories to me. I think that attending with my father to my first MK concert will be one of the strongest memories that i will carry throught all my lifetime (specially in the future, when my father won´t be here anymore)
You might get lucky, now and then

My book about Dire Straits and Mark Knopfler


  • Honorary Knopfler fans- Editor
  • Mark F. Knopfler
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    • My book about Dire Straits and Mark Knopfler
Have just arrived home after the Pamplona Show

Best MK concert i have been (seen only 2013-2015 and yesterday)

They did not played TR (my personal favourite, must say) and you know what?

I didn´t missed TR at all because it was an incredible show. I was just well feed. I had enough with the 2.10h show, with MK in great form (despite his physical struggles), some surprises: Heart Full of Holes (one of my all time favs, not only by MK, but also in general "I think i´ll retire..."), Silvertown (we have been praying for that for 18 years), On Every Street (just incredible. I´m not embarrassed to say that i was very emotional), a reborn WHY AYE MAN (incredible way to start, with 9 mins of music that sum up the MK musical concept, the "transatlantic blues", Sailing ( it´s back! one of the key songs of the solo career), ONCE UPON A TIME (When all we were assuming that MK is not able to bring any surpriese... WHAM! a wet dream come true), Lastest Trick (yes, studio version is better, but live is algo great. And audience response is great because is a song that means much to lots of people. Many memories by now...), Matchstick Man (plain incredible... The best thing that nowadays-MK can give to us) , MFN (proving that he still can blow up amps again, melting the concrete walls of the arena with the thickier tone that he has in his weapondry. He used to could, but... Still can rock and blow off the ceiling!) and of course Going Home (that one must be OBLIGATORY by law in all his shows). This is the best band MK has had, playing their butts off, with lost of energy and passion. This time, the Macs (folkies) had not all the time in the sun they had last tours, but in that way, show was more eclectic: Celtic, jazz, blues, funk (Stevie Wonder Superstition meets JJ Cale), rock (truly!), band-moments, shining solo parts, shiny MK solo parts, roots music, eighties hits, solo classics, solo new ones, hidden gems,  MK in a very good mood (physically was very tired), but he talked a lot between songs and really put a effort to lead the ship.

I see that there is lot of frustration in AMIT because the absence of certain songs. My advice: It´s not worthy to get anger and blame for these things. At this time of the life it is not necesary.  Things looks different from the heat of the moment. It is not the same to enter in setlist fm and see the list than living it "inside your flesh". Into the arena (no Schenker pun intended) you see the whole thing from a different perspective: That´s when you really realize that MK puts a lots of effort nowadays and he gave us a lot yesterday, but also is giving a lot this tour and he also has been giving a lot during the last 42 years...

My advice: Don´t waste your illusion in a blind rage because a song that already had his lifetime conpleted (sad but true, we have to recognise it and make up our minds. The circle is now completed). Telegraph Road (1983-2015) has arrived to the end of the river. You must put your feet on the ground and be realistic. To be honest, since 2008-2010, every MK album, show, tour, OST, musical... has been a gift. A gift for all the fans. We must gather all we can while we still can.

in order to sum up, if you are hesitating about attending to a 2019 MK show, i reccomend you to go. Just go. Don´t feel insecure or bitter about the lack of the 15th song (there´s still 16-17 songs to hear) Just go. Don´t let bitter domine you. Just go.  Won´t be

You are so right and speaking out of my mind. I hat the same feeling in Barcelona. It was awesome. (Ok tr was played, but that was Not my highlight. ) I dont regret any single paid € for this trip/show. Some days after the show I had still a smile in face. Which I hadnt had from my previous 10+ shows I have attended since 2001.

Glad to see you enjoyed the Barcelona show. There was lots of expectation in that one but i think MK fullfilled them.

While i read this thread i am remembering the Pamplona one in a similar way. It was just 24 hours ago (yesterday, at this time they were playing Bacon roll or Matchstick), but i remember all "blurry" (to say something). I remember it in the way that we remember dreams. I remember the running order, the songs, the details, the words, all the little things of the performance. But still can´t assume that i were here. I see myself floating over my seat. And now, i´m also experimenting a special mix of happiness and peace.

Same with the 2013 show i attended, a little low-profile, to be honest (typical 2013 MK show of the late tour, with only 15 songs, no speedway, no sultans, no BIA, but Haul Away, Dug up a Diamond and slow-paced numbers). However, it was my first one and it make it special. I also went with my father (it was his first "big" concert ever) Very special memories to me. I think that attending with my father to my first MK concert will be one of the strongest memories that i will carry throught all my lifetime (specially in the future, when my father won´t be here anymore)
You might get lucky, now and then

My book about Dire Straits and Mark Knopfler


  • Camerado
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  • Rockaway rockaway from Cullercoats and Whitley bay
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