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Author Topic: Upgrade Bugs - Find something broken or missing in the new forum? Post it here!  (Read 17158 times)


  • Juliet
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  • They waited for an hour and then nothing happened
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  • Location: athens, greece
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    • greece in dire straits, life in greece
Dan, thank you for everything! It is really great. One more thing. I miss the easy access-links to Guy's forum and the MK torrents site. Can you add them somehow.(Or maybe they are somewhere and I can't see them)
Come on, it is not funny anymore.

Love Expresso

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A little thing struck me, don't know if it has been said before: The location is not shown anymore, as in my case, I had "Northern Germany" under my avatar. Not that I am particular interested in having it back - but someone else pointed out, that sometimes knowing where a member is from might be useful. So if a member WANTS to tell us where he/she is from, it should be possible? Or has it any other reasons to take it out? Just asking. As I said, I can live perfectly well with not showing where I am from.  ;D



  • Rüdiger
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Poll option : change vote.
Poll option : autorize multiple vote

I did allow "change vote" but it does not appear neither for user or for me when I edit poll
I did not allow multiple vote and the option does not appear when I edit poll

Edit : When I did validate this post I got a warning message that the text in the subject  was too long (83 characters for 80 allowed but it worked anyway)
« Last Edit: September 07, 2012, 02:24:27 PM by ds1984 »
The haters are those who write shit

Two weeks in Australia and Sydney striptease

Love Expresso

  • Guest

Very secretly, without any fuss, some or the most things have changed in the meantime! The YouTube button is there, again, the location is there again under the avatar, the links are there again in the header, (only without thumbnail, but you have the same links from Guy, Richard and the Tracker there again).

Thanks again, Dan, for doing all this for us!


OfflineHoops McCann

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Very secretly, without any fuss, some or the most things have changed in the meantime! The YouTube button is there, again, the location is there again under the avatar, the links are there again in the header, (only without thumbnail, but you have the same links from Guy, Richard and the Tracker there again).

Thanks again, Dan, for doing all this for us!


Hey, thanks for noticing, LE! I've been working on the site here and there but have been set back by RSI (repetitive stress injury) in my right wrist/arm. It's become very painful for me to type/use my PC and only seems to be getting worse with further use.  :( I'm trying to make my way through all of the upgrade issues, but after that I'm going to have to take a break from the site for a while and deal with my physical issues.
"...I was prompted to check out some of the threads you have going which are often unintentionally funny, wildly speculative and sometimes just plain deluded..." - Ed Bicknell



  • Juliet
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  • They waited for an hour and then nothing happened
  • Posts: 2586
  • Location: athens, greece
  • Registered: January 2010
    • greece in dire straits, life in greece
Dan, thank you very much for everything. It is really great. I wish you could be here helping me with all my computer issues!
But first and foremost comes health, so if I may suggest, no matter if there are other issues, leave them right away and rest and take some anti inflammatory to deal with your problem. It  (and we)  can wait! Once again, Thank you! 
Come on, it is not funny anymore.

Offlineshangri la 1

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 :-\  :( sorry to hear about your wrist problem Dan. Have you tried taking liquid fish oil which can help with inflammation type injuries?


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  • Rüdiger
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Dan, sorry to hear about your problem. No serious bugs can be found, only some wishes and things.
Take a break, your injury is more important than this site which works very well.


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  • David Knopfler
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not an injury i would like to suffer from, ..poor sod...
any Knopfler, Floyd or Dylan will do....


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