Hey quizzaciously, I just read the question asked of Guy... Now I understand your comment.
Hmmm. Still hopeful an album is starting to come to life... 
It was Jarle's info about filming of the festival in July which made it clear to me, that it's 'going into studio
for Hansen's project'.
And you know what? I'm over-exited about this. As much as I love this 5 minute Hansen's documentary from Tracker, as much it cuts abruptly making you think 'And that's it?'. I love the clarity, I love his cinematography and editing, they seems to be a great team with MK.
I would want to see a cool film about Captain Mark, not about him blowing the family radio or asking his father about buying an amp.
Also, since chances for a live album diminish every day, any documentary will be like a breathe of fresh air. I vote for MK in at least 1080p!