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I think being treated like you were the second coming for most of your life would make you wary of interaction with others, George Harrison was in a similar boat.
I find it amusing that Bob is still annoying people after 60 years.

In this life there are people you "get" and people you don't. I "get" Bob and love him, crappy singing as all.

It seems for many people though the crappy singing and general half-arsedness really annoys some people, which is probably exactly what he is going for. :)

Probably. He really is a strange creature.
As a songwriter-poet there is no one dead, alive or yet to be born that can hold a candle to him, and that Nobel Prize was completely justified imho.
Musically, he doesn't seem to aim to reach a high standard, but that's probably not important.
What I find annoying though is how he treats his own loyal fans (although they seem to enjoy it?), people who pay to see him, and even people who work with him. Remember how he behaved towards MK's band during that "joint" tour, and how he even ignored Guy's son, who just wanted an autograph?
MK must be a real fan to put up with such a fellow. Twice.^^
i was dere.
Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / Re: Ed Bicknell Interview
« Last post by dustyvalentino on Today at 02:31:51 PM »
Listening now, essential listening for all DS fans!
I find it amusing that Bob is still annoying people after 60 years.

In this life there are people you "get" and people you don't. I "get" Bob and love him, crappy singing as all.

It seems for many people though the crappy singing and general half-arsedness really annoys some people, which is probably exactly what he is going for. :)
Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / Re: Ed Bicknell Interview
« Last post by Romanbern on Today at 01:21:39 PM »
Yes, it's a new interview, over 3 hours long and so informative and funny at the same time that I think I'll listen to it several more times. Towards the end, the depressive mood of the last tour becomes really tangible (Paul Frankling and sleeping pills, Mark Knopfler's assessment of the last record ...) - I was moved.
At the same time, Ed Bicknell's humour keeps flashing through: I often had to laugh out loud (ZZ Top, Bobby Womack ...)

Although I hate being negative, Bob's voice ruins this one for me. He sounds like some mythical creature that slept in a cave for a century and just woke up. Or like someone singing folk music(?) with a death metal voice. It's not like he's even trying to have a pleasant voice in this one. I wouldn't listen to Mark if he did 100 greenies during a song on purpose, either.

I agree.  Bob's barking voice ruined this song, especially as Mark's guitar playing was so elegant.   When it came to the end of the song Bob's harmonica almost completely drowned MK's solo - indeed it seemed to be deliberate.
Although I hate being negative, Bob's voice ruins this one for me. He sounds like some mythical creature that slept in a cave for a century and just woke up. Or like someone singing folk music(?) with a death metal voice. It's not like he's even trying to have a pleasant voice in this one. I wouldn't listen to Mark if he did 100 greenies during a song on purpose, either.

Bob knows his voice is shot and that it has always been known for being 'raspy' so I reckon he is singing with his tongue firmly in his cheek.
Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / Re: Ed Bicknell Interview
« Last post by dustyvalentino on Today at 12:24:34 PM »
Yes it was that podcast that started this thread off.

Great ep and there are some other good eps as well. The Linda Rondsadt one was funny, seems she does not give one single fuck, lols.

Spotify says it's from 30th May...

Ah OK, seems to be a new, second interview then, great news!
Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / Re: Ed Bicknell Interview
« Last post by jbaent on Today at 11:54:50 AM »
Yes it was that podcast that started this thread off.

Great ep and there are some other good eps as well. The Linda Rondsadt one was funny, seems she does not give one single fuck, lols.

Spotify says it's from 30th May...
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