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One Deep River / The Boy / Re: The Boy EP (01) Mr Solomans Said
« Last post by Wizard on Today at 03:59:25 PM »
Sweet homage to Bernard Cribbens and his hit Gossip Calypso
One Deep River / The Boy / Re: Album Reviews
« Last post by vgonis on Today at 01:28:19 PM »
popularity breeds contempt. DS suffered from that after BIA. If MK died in a fireball after their first album he would be the coolest cat in town. It’s all a load of bollocks. If you’re ever in the UK, take a stroll around Brighton and you’ll see the biggest load of pretentious crap all around you. Just make sure you have pink hair and dungarees though. Otherwise you’ll stand out.

This made me laugh. I will stick to my regular trousers and colour of hair, which is indecisive  at the moment, because if I change them, the woke police will be all over me. 
I guess you are right about popularity. Yet, somehow it seems that some of the popular musicians are spared of the negative treatment. Maybe it has also something to do with the economy of the business or the enormity of the fans? I don't know. I guess it is difficult to come up with a statistical analysis of  the sales and group dynamics of each musical act.

Just got hold of the latest Uncut and it seems you are right.
A great album, a rock classic. Very simple, clear  and sparse production. Maybe the least dated DS album. (I thought it was dated in the 90’s, with grunge and all, but not anymore.) A bit experimental, world music inspired. I love the synths. Very MK, very little DS. The drums are a bit dull on the first thee songs. They miss Pick!

The album is two EPs really. Side A is about walks of life and could be called that. Side B is more about war and could be called Brothers in Arms.

Favourite song: BIA. Coolest song (ever): MfN. Only skipper: One World.

Maybe the second or third best DS album (after DS and LOG.)
Not a fan of the production, but the album itself has that feel where you just know it will be huge because the songs themselves are great - together, and in most cases on their own, too. It's easy to understand why it because the hit it was.
Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / Re: Most underrated DS/MK songs
« Last post by Knut on Today at 03:23:04 AM »
Meh, I totally disagree :) I think it's just rightly rated, not in the top 250, sorry. My counter-proposal is "I see you". Do you think it gets enough love? But the other thing I want to say is, why is MK so hard on losers, man? I see you, My Bacon Roll, Coyote (?), Rudiger.. what's his problem with us losers? We have enough troubles our own already, thank you. Why kick the man on the ground? It's not the losers who fuck the world, btw, it's the winners, right? So if any of you have a contact with Sir Marky, please tell him to write songs mocking the winners. Hope this is not too political for the moderators. Or racist maybe

Millionaire blues? I'm sure there are others, too.

I always thought Coyote was just a twist on the cartoon, tbh. Also, the My Bacon Roll guy is not a loser? Rudiger might be in some sense, but it's Rudigers own fault he is a creep. Only he could change that.

Also, "the man on the ground" can still be a nice guy if he wants to. I think that's the difference. Like, MFN is not aiming at anyone doing typical working class physical work, but racist scumbags who also happen to have no skill and drive for success whatsoever and whine about people WITH skill and a drive for success.
Mark Knopfler Discussion Forum / Re: Ed Bicknell Interview
« Last post by hunter v2.0 on June 01, 2024, 10:36:52 PM »
Chris Whitten sends me the following message:

Ed wanted me to forward these podcast links to you. You can post them on the forum I think:

iHeart: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-the-bob-lefsetz-podcast-30806836/episode/ed-bicknell-181077899/?cmp=web_share&embed=true

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ed-bicknell/id1316200737?i=1000657274743

Spotify: https://spotify.link/qwZ2vE7z1Jb

Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/9ff4fb19-54d4-41ae-ae7a-8a6f8d3dafa8/episodes/8cd3cdf9-6826-4e69-ac53-a807ce7ef17e/the-bob-lefsetz-podcast-ed-bicknell

Thank you! I'm only 1/3 in, but I'm ASTOUNDED by Ed's memory. The names, the places, figures ... Unbelievable. Lots of interesting nuggets.
Great gift thanks very much 8)
One Deep River / The Boy / Re: The Boy EP (02) The boy
« Last post by Stanko on June 01, 2024, 07:24:16 PM »
The song could be easily about Nipper Pat Daly?
But the article on wikipedia doesn't say anything about "his father cycling to pay a visit to his son".
Anyone read the book "Born To Box" to say more about it?
Thanks Nando, for uploading!

Great video quality, great song, great singer. I mean the guy with the red guitar.  :lol
One Deep River / The Boy / Re: Album Reviews
« Last post by goon525 on June 01, 2024, 06:16:19 PM »
I should have added the marks; 4/5 for music, 4.5/5 for recording.
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