I'd suggest they also film the recording of all the subsequent MK's albums, also can wait for when he passes away and cover that in the film as well. Then, you can also wait a little bit and add a section about his legacy, and also don't forget about DS 50 and 60 anniversary in 2028 and 2038, also to include Mark's 100th birthday in 2049 would be a great touch. Can't wait for the film! 
Yes, it's that ridicoulos...
When it was first filmed, it made sense, as it pretended to be an extension of the short Tracker documentary, they filmed some live shows from Tracker tour, I think Copenhagen, Barcelona and some from the US, and that would had made a great one, then they also filmed the History festival, and apparently the Local Hero musical recordings, the recordings of the DTRW record (both according to the images saw at the "Good on you son" video) and that would had been great to release during the DTRW tour, as the musical was already played in Edinburgh and DTRW was already out, but no, it wasn't... maybe they were waiting to the LH musical cd to be released, but as the London representations were cancelled, also the cd.
Now if it's released it would cover more and more so more stuff would had to be left out.
I don't think they are going to release this documentary until the musical is released in London theatres, because the filming also covered this, but who knows.