to the one and only mr. B
when people on here talk about the uniondale it is because there is a semi ok sounding bootleg for that show, a show that sounded great perfomance wise and which has the longest version of Tunnel of love ever (25min or so)
that is all :-)
Exactly! I was also thinking about Tunnel Of Love 
If I remember correctly, David Sanborn played the saxophone at this concert.
Uniondale. I have zero idea which shows across the entire DS lifetime were recorded/bootlegged other than a few I’ve come across, plus NHB’s ( THANK WHOEVER!)
Unlike most mangers and especially idiot record co’s, I ENCOURAGED taping, photos, filming, shagging since I recognised that real fans are also collectors ( and shaggers). .
I was at that show and I'm 99% David Sanborn RIP ONLY played Madison Square Garden ( could be wrong and since I have never heard the tape I cant say ( his playing was pretty recognisable versus Chris White’s ). Thanks to Pottel for setting me straight. ( 25 mins…geeez…..I probably went for a jog round the building . Three times ).
Thanks to Ed for the answers. Well the DS Bonfire is well and truly out (as we probably knew ready).
I guess for the MK solo fans there is some hope and probably where the next box set release will turn up. Alas not where my focus really lies.
BIA 40th anniversary quarter speed press with inverted colour sleeve here we come.
Bonfire. Sadly not the ones in LA which re a long way from being out. I have over 30 friends who have lost their homes but not their lives thankfully.
Yes… I do not think the material exists for whatever reason …solo stuff I don't know.
Thanks again Ed for you answers 
about the Communique demos, Jerry Wexler said in Nassau something like "the album has already been recorded, we have to record it again" talking about demos recorded in London in fall 78, before the band gone to Nassau in december.
We know at least "where do you think you're going" from these sessions, on the MFN comp, there must be some other songs on tapes ?
The song Cmmuniqué itself seems to have been composed by Mark in Nassau, so of course it can't be featruing on these sessions from London, but the other songs from the album maybe...
that said, I understood what you said about demos in general, and that noboby knows where they are.
It's a shame
All other bands/artists publish demos and unreleased tracks at some point on deluxe versions of their albums. why Dire Straits didn't do that ?
He did indeed say that between spitting. Which songs I just cant recall. Tapes…I have explained the dilemma re tapes. No idea where they was 35 years + ago!
Communique…you are correct.
DS didn’t issue because no one expressed any interest at the time let alone locate the tapes.
I can tell you categorically the idea NEVER arose. Not from the band, labels and def not from management. Where possible I tried not to rip people off.
Incidentally not ALL acts do that and many don’t do demos AT ALL.
Including demos etc is a marketing exercise really…suddenly stuff that wasn’t good enough to be released first time around miraculously makes the grade. I really must curb my cynicism.
Ok, time to say sorry I guess, sorry to Guy for the way I chose my words. Although contentwise about the producer thing it's my opinion still. I must confess I am still trying to work out or detect the exact level of sarcsam in Ed's answers (language barrier and stuff). Thanks again for taking your time for this. Many dreams shattered indeed!
That’s gracious of you and actually I wasn’t being sarcastic and try to avoid that ( I guess some slips thru. As you say, language).
One thing I just want to add which is a comment, NOT a criticism. After writing, rehearsing, recording, tour rehearsing, playing the shows on LONG tours, would you want to have to listen to it all again ? Just saying…..