Whaauww SL, this is wonderful! I love watching video's videos of Mark/DS/ NHB and also listening to interviews and all the other information I can get!
Having them all together now at Youtube is fantastic.

I remember when I just joined the forum in 2006, people were copying and sending each other CD's /DVD of the series OUATITV (the long time fans know what I mean). I only got a few of them and then the sending and copying stopped because of the possibility of torrents, Spanish tracker etc! Pottel was so sweet to help me and told me what to do, but after I bought a new computer I never used it anymore, because I didn't have time to install and learn again ..........and to be honest it all was very difficult to me!
I love the idea of having all the video's together at one channel at Youtube now! ......Thank you and other fans for all the work you do!

Just like BBB and others I am looking forward to watch!
